Wednesday, July 18, 2007
* confusion */ 9:40 PM

it's been a tiring day.
not just physically;
i'm mentally drained too.

reached school at 8am today,
had my authoring class.
but after just half an hour in class,
i felt so tired that i couldn't keep my eyes opened.
so i juz borrowed ear phones from yek peng,
plugged it into the comp, played funk music,
and then i dozed off..
i had a 2 hours nap, mind you! hahaha...
well the tutors said nothing.
amazing. -__-"

had my french role play,
which went rather smoothly.
heard from Ni Zhen that i got an A!
yeaa!!! so now i have 2 modules that are quite certain to get an A,
as long as i don't screw up anything for both modules
within the next 3 weeks. =D

performance for the youth cultural bazaar was... a disaster.
in the first place the music was already too soft,
so we had to restart all over again.
then the music jumped so many times during the performance,
in the end we always appeared to be off-beat.
damn it.

but then again, putting the entire blame on the music is just an excuse.
i feel that we lacked preparation,
and much as we aren't bad dancers,
we are definitely still a long way from being good performers.
there's a lot of things for us to learn,
and we gotta improve on a lot of things...

personally, i know i didn't do well.
missed beats, forgot a step, didn't get to my position on time,
was influenced by the "jumping" music,
and my steps probably weren't clean enough either..
sad la.. haiiiz.

still, thanks so much for those who came down to show their support...
in particular, Jess, Ruth, Dawn, YF, Jiaqian, Shikin...
Thanks so much for being there to support me yea! =)

and yea Jess, congrats for "winning" 2 weeks worth of chocs from me...

ate with FB peeps before we had a seniors meeting at 5..
wasn't a very long meeting,
merely settled the dances for our next performance,
which is at Phat Nite on next tues.
it's the best chance to redeem myself..
muz do a better show during Phat Nite!

stayed back to practise some locking,
before i left at around 7...
met up and went home with Jess, Jiaqian, YF, Ruth & Shikin.
okayys they were being kinda crazy..
especially JESS lah! hahahas..

somehow things are starting to look good.
i got an A for 2 modules so far,
my assignments are on track,
left with just 1 dance performance to go,
i'm feeling more and more happy in FB,
and of coz i'm also enjoying the company of other friends..
life in school is getting better,
so my mood these days are happier too.
i hope all this can continue yea..


My Videos

Born in Singapore on 11th April 1989 as Soh Chun Kiat, aka CeeKay. Currently a digital media design student in NYP. Loves photography and dance, specialises in locking.

Arjuna// Audrey// Choon Hang// Dawnn// Diane// Huda// Jess Lim// Kah Sing// Karen// Puaz// Regina// Ronald// Simin// Veron// Yismin//

FB Blog// Natasha Studio// Lion City Lockers// My Youtube//


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