Tuesday, January 1, 2008
* happy new year! =) */ 11:21 PM

Happy 2008 to all! =)

and also Happy 3rd Month to me and my girl. =)

last nite's countdown with dear didn't go as well as planned,
but i guess she could see the effort ba.
i just dun want to use candles anymore. hahahaha! =p

and she bought me this damn nice shirt from Bossini,
which wrote "Get Em' Locked"... =D
yea man.. locking!!! hahahahas.
thanks dear.. =)

so today, i got her a bouquet of 3 red roses...
went all the way to kebun baru to get it..
and seeing her smile when i gave it to her,
i know tht my efforts weren't wasted. =)

we went to PS today,
celebrated our anniversary in a really simple manner.
initially we were to watch Alvin & The Chipmunks,
but due to the long queue and the lack of time,
we decided to just window shop and eat.
ate Long John Silver for lunch,
Ajisen Ramen for dinner,
and basically a lot of window shopping was done.
but to me it was still a very happy day,
even though everything was simple... =)

but i still hope i can have more $ la.
then we'll be able to afford to celebrate more lavishly. hahaha!
it doesn't hurt to be pampered once in a while. =p

and the idea of assignments turn me off now.
sian. i hate to be stuck in a holiday mood. =/

all i want is just to be able to do what i really want to do..
but there's so little time, too many commitments.

thanks goodness i still have you... =)

My Videos

Born in Singapore on 11th April 1989 as Soh Chun Kiat, aka CeeKay. Currently a digital media design student in NYP. Loves photography and dance, specialises in locking.

Arjuna// Audrey// Choon Hang// Dawnn// Diane// Huda// Jess Lim// Kah Sing// Karen// Puaz// Regina// Ronald// Simin// Veron// Yismin//

FB Blog// Natasha Studio// Lion City Lockers// My Youtube//


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