Sunday, January 20, 2008
* K.O-ed */ 10:31 PM
Congrats to Team Trademark for getting into Funkamania finals! Well done to Dime Brizzles for their fantastic efforts too! =)
Today's been a long day. Woke up early, went to dear's place and cooked breakfast for her! Well.. it was supposed to be American Breakfast, but due to the lack of groceries available i had to cook noodles instead. i made some scrambled egg and sausages to go along with the noodles though. nothing too complicated but i guess she liked it. =)
We then headed to meet up with the FB peeps to go NUS and lend our support for the funka teams. It was an amazing afternoon of non-stop dance competition, and i was quite impressed by the concepts of most teams. Still, it disgusts me to see groups putting in locking & popping routines when they dun even have the techniques or even basics for it. The more they do, the more it exposed their lack of techniques...
In the very least, all 10 finalist teams were deserving of their place. That's the best consolation out of the day for the audience i guess..
Headed to Cineleisure with some FB peeps to eat, and some of us ate at Es Teler 77. It was pretty simple but nice indonesian fare, and it's quite cheap too! A pity that i'm down with cough and flu.. otherwise i would have tried even better food. =(
and speaking about my cough and flu.. i guess somehow it got worse today. now i'm struggling to decide if i should go see a doc tmr, get a MC and dun go to school. sigh.. it's just the start of the year, and i'm already sick and in need to skip lessons to rest at home. wtf sia.
sometimes, u'll get it wrong when u try too hard to be right. that's what i feel about myself right now....
no matter wad, i won't leave. stay with me too k? =)