Sunday, February 17, 2008
* my one and only */ 10:39 PM

I miss her, my one and only ^^

be with me thru thick and thin, just as i will be with you always. =)

and it suck not to have my handphone now.
ppl, pls dun sms me till tues nite coz i had sent my hp for repair...

nothing matters more than your smile. =)

My Videos

Born in Singapore on 11th April 1989 as Soh Chun Kiat, aka CeeKay. Currently a digital media design student in NYP. Loves photography and dance, specialises in locking.

Arjuna// Audrey// Choon Hang// Dawnn// Diane// Huda// Jess Lim// Kah Sing// Karen// Puaz// Regina// Ronald// Simin// Veron// Yismin//

FB Blog// Natasha Studio// Lion City Lockers// My Youtube//


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