Monday, August 11, 2008
* New Blogskin! */ 4:37 AM

Ceekay finally have a new blogskin!

CREDITS TO CHAN JEANIE, my dearest baby gf,
for helping me find this layout. =))

Okay actually my intention was to design my own,
completely from scratch which includes my own html scripts.
But i've been so busy lately that i can only make do with this one,
which was found on blogskins and i merely added my own banner pic.
So yea.. hope one day i can still do my own blogskin.

Anyways, big apologies for the very lack of updates!
It's been almost 1 month since i last blogged...
Been really busy with alot alot of things yea.
Especially with assignments, projects, presentations,
dance practices and competitions,
and of coz not forgetting spending time with baby and my family.
But now at least my school semester is over...
So now i'm left with my portfolio presentation,
KO Night semi-final showcase,
and Lime Funkmeister Dance Challenge semi-finals to think about.

Here's the latest videos from my KO Night quarterfinals!

Fonkay Styles vs Airline

Fonkay Styles vs SLZ

Enjoy the videos yea. =)

And i've been going into photography lately...
Been taking alot of pictures,
and also had the chance to use a DSLR camera for the first time.
Here's the pictures taken by myself for a photography essay assignment:

Just a few pictures from what i've taken. =)

And so you can see how busy i've been.
But I was fortunate to still be able to find time
and go to FIR's concert with my dear. =D

shall update on that soon yeaa..
pls do tag on the tagboard ppl!
guess that shall be all for this post for now.
hope i can find time to update this blog soon again.
once again, hope u guys like my new layout! =)

My Videos

Born in Singapore on 11th April 1989 as Soh Chun Kiat, aka CeeKay. Currently a digital media design student in NYP. Loves photography and dance, specialises in locking.

Arjuna// Audrey// Choon Hang// Dawnn// Diane// Huda// Jess Lim// Kah Sing// Karen// Puaz// Regina// Ronald// Simin// Veron// Yismin//

FB Blog// Natasha Studio// Lion City Lockers// My Youtube//


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